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Length, Multiplied by Width.

L x W

Measure using a meter stick, yard stick, ect...

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Q: How do you figure the square foot of a fence?
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Related questions

How much fence do you need to fence 1 square acre?

figure it out

How much is square feet?

1 square foot = 0.093 square metres = 929 sq cm.

What is the average cost of staining a fence?

The average cost of staining a fence is typically between 1 to 3 per square foot, depending on the size of the fence and the type of stain used.

What is an example of a word problem for square root?

A garden has an area of 100 square feet. What is the length of one side of the garden if it is a square?

What is the construction cost per square foot in Tampa Florida for residential additions?

figure at least 100 dollars a square foot this will get you in the ballpark

If square garden has a side of 22 feet how much fence is needed to enclose the garden?

88 feet? unless you add a Gate? 3 foot or 4 foot Which would require 85 or 84 feet of fence

What figure has the same area as a square with 6-foot sides?


The square feet is 53800 and the rate is 201750 a year How much is they paying per square foot and how do you figure it?

201750/53800 = 3.75 per square foot each year

How to figure inches to square foot?

width x length divided by 144 will give you square ft.

How do you get the square footage of a fence that is 320 feet by 8 foot tall?

To get the area you multiply the length and the width. Doing the math gives an answer of 2,560 square feet.

How many feet of fence do you need for 8 acres?

There are 43, 560 square feet in an acre. There are 348,480 square feet in eight acres. Assuming that the area is a square, you will approximately need 2361.28 feet of fencing. If the area is one foot wide, you will need a lot more fence than that.

Are labor costs for building a fence based on linear square footage?

A 8' fence will have a higher cost per foot than a 6' will. Most quotes will be based on linear footage + gates and extras.