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Take the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle, and massage them.

R = radius = 1/2 of the diameter

A = Area of a circle = pi R2 = pi (D/2)2 = pi D2/4

C = Circumference of a circle = (pi D) or (2 pi R)

C = 2 pi R = 2 (pi R2)/R

(R) C = 2 A

(C/2pi) C = 2 A

C2 / 2pi = 2 A

C2 = 4 pi A

C = sqrt ( 4 pi A ) or 2 sqrt ( pi A )

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Q: How do you find the circumference of a circle as a function of its area?
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To find the circumference of a circle then multiply pi (3.14159265...) by the diameter of the circle. To find the area then multiply pi by the radius squared.

How do i find circumference and area of a circle?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Area of a circle = pi*radius squared

How do you find the circumference if you have the area of a circle?

Area of a circle = 3.14 * r2 Thus, radius, r = root of ( Area of a circle / 3.14 ) --------- equation 1 Circumference of circle = 2 * 3.14 * r Therefore, from (equation 1), Circumference = 2 * 3.14 * root of ( Area of a circle / 3.14 ). In a nutshell, first find the radius and then the circumference.

How do you find the area of a circle after you've got the circumference?

Area of the circle = (circumference)2 / (4 pi)Area = 0.0796 circumference2(rounded)

How do you find the radius of a circle using an equation?

What do you have? The area of the circle or the circumference? Area: divide the area by pi, then square root it Circumference: divide the circumference by 2 then divide it by pi

How do you find the area of a circle if you only know its circumference?

Divide its circumference by 2*pi which will give the radius of the circle. Area of the circle then is pi*radius squared

How do you find the area of a circle when the only information you have is the circumference?

Area of a circle is: A=π*r2 and r=circumference/2. Find 1/2 of the circumference and square it (multiply by same number), then multiply by pi.

How do you find the circumference of a circle with the area given?

Square root (Area/pi) to get the radius Then 2xRadiusxPi= Circumference