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Cubic inches are all three of those multiplied together.

The length, width and height are all measured in inches... not cubic inches, and not square inches.... just inches.

If you multiply the length by the width you get the area - a number of square inches.

When you multiply the area by the height you get the volume - a number of cubic inches

If you have been asked to work out the length, width and height from a number of cubic inches, then you have probably been given a cubed number.... the first ten cubes are

# .....1 # .....8 # ...27 # ...64 # ..125 # ..216 # ..343 # ..512 # ..729 # 1000

If you have been asked to work out any other number then either you need to get a calculator and work out the cube root, or you have to use some clues that you have been given in the question.

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Q: How do you find the cubic inches of the length width and height separately?
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You find cubic inches in a box by multiplying its length by its width, and by its height. The measurements for length, width, and height should all be in inches. This is known as the volume of the box.

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How do you convert length times width times height to cubic inches?

length times width times height returns an answer in square inches, provided length, width and height are in inches. Example: 2(inches)*3(inches)*1(inches)=6(inches)*(inches)*(inches) =6(inches)^3=6 cubic inches

What is Formula for cubic inches in a box?

Cubic inches in a box = volume of box (in cubic inches) = Length * Breadth * Height, where each of these three is given in inches.

How do you figiure cubic inches?

The cubic volume of something is obtained by multiplying it length by its width by its height, and if you measure these in inches you end up with cubic inches.

The volume of a gift box is 36 cubic inches.The height is 3 inches and the width is 3 inches. What is the length of the box?

Volume 36 cubic inches height 9 inches

How do you find volume of a aquarium in cubic inches?

Length (in inches) times Height (in inches) times Width (in inches)

What is the volume of the cube in inches?

Multiply the length/depth/height and your product will be in cubic inches. That is the volume.

How many cubic inches in one foot?

Cubic inches are a measurement of volume, or space, while feet are a measurement of length, so the question actually makes no sense. If however you are asking how many cubic inches are in a cubic foot (which is the area contained in a cube the has a length, width and height of 1 foot), then to get the answer you multiply the length, width and height together in the unit that we want the answer in (in this case, inches). Since we know that a cubic foot has a length, width and height of 1 foot, and that 1 foot is 12 inches, we multiply 12 x 12 x 12 to get the total number of cubic inches in the cubic foot. Therefor the answer is that there are 1,728 cubic inches in a cubic foot.

What is the height of a box that has the length of 8 inches and the width of 4 inches and a volume of 128 cubic inches?

4 inches