If a numbers digits add up to a number that is divisible by nine, the number is divisible by nine. Example~ 486 4+8+6=18 Since 18 is divisible by 9, 486 is divisible by 9. 561 5+6+1=12. 561 isn't divisible by 9.
By tautology. If it did not work, it would not be a divisibility rule!
What is the divisblity rule by 8
There is no easy rule for divisibility by 34.
Able to Be Divided
Division by zero is undefined.
add all the digits together and see if it is divisible by nine.
By tautology. If it did not work, it would not be a divisibility rule!
What is the divisblity rule by 8
There is no easy rule for divisibility by 34.
Subtract nine times the last digit from the rest; repeat if necessary. The result must be divisible by 13.
if the number ends on 5 or 0 the number is divisible by 5
The divisibility rule for 2 works because the base of our number system, 10, is divisible by 2.
Able to Be Divided
Judging by some of the questions asked on this site, the first rule is that divisibility is a concept that applies only to whole numbers.
2 squared 1 = 4 so the divisibility rule is that it is divisible by 1, 2 and 4.
the number is even.