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option explicit

Dim vnum1,vnum2,vnum3

vnum1=cint(inputbox("enter the first number"))

vnum2=cint(inputbox("enter the second number"))

vnum3=cint(inputbox("enter the third number"))

if (vnum1>vnum2 AND vnum1>vnum3) then

msgbox vnum1 &" is greater"

else if (vnum2>vnum1 AND vnum2>vnum3) then

msgbox vnum2 &" is greater"

else if vnum3>vnum2 AND vnum3>vnum1 then

msgbox vnum3 &" is greater"


msgbox "They all equal"

end if

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Q: How do you find the greatest of three number using vbscript?
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China and or Bulgaria.