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the variable you want to maximise or minimise (P) = each variable times the amount of P the contribute

e.g. maximise money earned




(MAX)P=3x+2.5y+4z is the objective function

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Q: How do you find the objective function for linear programming?
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What is optimal feasible solution?

It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.

Why are integer programming problems more difficult to solve than linear programming problems?

In both cases the constraints are used to produce an n-dimensional simplex which represents the "feasible region". In the case of linear programming this is the feasible region. But that is not the case for integer programming since only those points within the region for which the variables are integer are feasible.The objective function is then used to find the maximum or minimum - as required. In the case of a linear programming problem, the solution must lie on one of the vertices (or along one line in 2-d, plane in 3-d etc) of the simplex and so is easy to find. In the case of integer programming, the optimal solution so found may contain one or more variables that are not integer and so it is necessary to examine all the points in the immediate neighbourhood and evaluate the objective function at each of these points. This last requirement makes integer programming solutions more difficult to find.

What is linear programming used for?

Linear Programming is used for determining a way to find the best solution or outcome for a given mathematical model represented as a linear relationship.

What is the difference between linear and integer programming?

Integer programming is a method of mathematical programming that restricts some or all of the variables to integers. A subset of Integer programming is Linear programming. This is a form of mathematical programming which seeks to find the best outcome in such a way that the requirements are linear relationships.

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What is optimal solution?

It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.

How do you find a linear function?

By finding something who's behavior is represented by a linear function and graphing it.

How do you find constraints in Linear Programming?

first find out if it is congruent if it isn't congruent you can find the constraints

How do you find the answer to an integer problem?

It depends on the problem: you may have to use integer programming rather than linear programming.

How do you graph linear functions?

A linear function is called "linear" because it represents a straight line. To graph a linear function, find two points that satisify that function, plot them, and then draw a straight line between them.

How do you find the objective function in a word problem?

butt plug

What is optimisiom's sturcture?

Optimization is a process of maximizing or minimizing a function by finding its best output. It involves defining a problem, setting objectives and constraints, choosing decision variables, formulating an objective function, and then solving the problem using various optimization techniques like linear programming, gradient descent, or genetic algorithms. The structure of optimization depends on the specific problem being addressed and the approach taken to find the optimal solution.