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A = 1/2bh

then you use Pythagoras theorem to find the length of the other 2 sides, using the known value for the height and 1/2 of the bases value.

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Q: How do you find the perimeter of a triangle when only the base and area are given?
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How do you find the area of the right angle triangle given the base hypotenuse and perimeter?

It is: perimeter minus hypotenus+base = height Area = 0.5*base*height

Suppose you know the perimeter and the height of an equilateral triangle explain how you would find the area of the triangle.?

The base is one third of the perimeter, half of the base times the height is the area.

How do you find the area a triangle with perimeter of 72?

Area of a triangle in square units = 0.5*base*height

How do you do area and perimeter of a triangle?

The area of a triangle is the base length multiplied by the height divided by two.A = b*h/2The perimeter of the triangle is the sum of all of the side lengths.P = side1 + side2 + side3

How do you find the area and perimeter of a triangle?

Area:A=1/2bhA=Area b=Base h=HeightPerimeter:P=a+b+cP=Perimeter a,b,c=side lengths of the triangle

What is the formula for finding the perimeter of a triangle when given the base and the height?

You multiply the base and the height and then you divide the answers of that by 2. :)

What is the area and perimeter of triangle?

to find the area of a triangle you divide the base of the triangle by two and multiply your answer by the height .so your formula would be 1/2b times h to find the perimeter of a triangle u simply just add the sides.

How do you find the area of a triangle given only the perimeter?

It is possible depending on what type of triangle it is. For instance if it was an equilateral triangle then all sides would be equal and then by means of Pythagoras' theorem you could work out the height of the triangle and using the formula: 1/2*base*height = area

How can you find the height of a triangle if you have base and area?

The relation between the height of a triangle, its base and its area is given by: Area = 0.5 * Base * Height Therefore, we have: Height = (2 * Area)/ Base.

How do you find the base of a triangle if the height and area are given?

Divide the area by height then you get the base.

How do you find the perieter and area of a triangle?

The perimeter of an object is simply the length of its border, so the perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of its 3 sides.The area of a triangle is equal to half of its base times its height, for example if a triangle had a base of length 4 and was 5 units tall, it would have an area of (4*5)/2, or 10 units2.

Can a triangle have the same perimeter and area as a parallelogram?

I don't know about the relation in the perimeters of a triangle and a parallelogram but if a triangle is on the same base on which the parallelogram is and the triangle is between the same parallel lines of the parallelogram, then the area of the triangle will be half the area of the parallelogram. That is, area of a triangle = 1/2 area of a parallelogram if the triangle is on the same base and between the same parallel lines.