4096 is 212
The square root will be 26
The cube root will be 24
How to find the square root of 4096? It will be a two digit number.
Look at the last digit 6. This can be obtained only if the last digit of the root is 6 or 4.
Since the first two digit part of the given number is 40, it suggests that the first digit of the root is 6 (if you think it can be 5, 25 is too far from 40). So is the squaree root 66 or 64? Since 36 is closer to 40, then the root can be 64.
64; 6242 = 3616 + 2(6*4)*10 = 3616 + 480 = 4096
Thus, 642 = (26)2 = 212
Cube root.
It is: 64
The cube root of the square root is the sixth root. The sixth root of 729 = 3
The square root of 9 is the number you times by itself to get 9, so that's 3. Then to cube it you do 3 x 3 x 3 which is 27.
The square root of 64 is 8. When you cube 8, you multiply it by itself three times, which equals 512. So, the cube of the square root of 64 is 512.
The answer is 16. 16*16=256, 256*16=4096
√4,096 = 64
Measure it. Or take a quarter of its perimeter. Or take the square root of its area. Or take the cube root of a cube built on the square
Cube root.
The side of a square is is cube root of 2cm. Find the length of the diagonals.
you find the cube root then square the answer
It is: 64
Basically you do the number to the power of the numerator (the top number) and then root the answer using the number of the denominator. For example: If you had 16^3/2, you would have to cube 16. 16^3 = 4096 Then you would square root since the denominator is 2. √ 4096 = 64
an integer