

How do you find the value of root 5?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: How do you find the value of root 5?
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It too will have a value of 5

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What if the number is unknown to find square root square root?

It is no tpossible to find the square root of an unknown number. You can, however, represent it as x0.5 or √x so that the value of the square root can be evaluated when the value of x is known.

Which value is larger 2.23 or square root of 5?

The square root of 5 is 2.23 so it's the same.

What is meant by absolute value of a number?

An absolute value is the positive of any real number. Absolute value of 5 will be 5 and is written: |5|=5 Absolute value of -5 will also be 5 and is written: |-5|=5 If you think of it as a number line, the absolute value of a number will be the length from 0. As lengths are always positive. It can also be written as the square root the square of x, as the square of x will make a negative value positive (-5)^2 = 25, and the square root will return it to its root, 25^0.5= 5.

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The square root of 20 can be found using a calculator or by using the approximation method. The exact value is √20 ≈ 4.47.

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What is the the square root of 5?

The square root of 5 is approximately 2.236. It is an irrational number meaning we can not calculate its value no matter how many digits we can find. At one point a NASA computer was used to calculate the first million digits of the number.

What is the square root of a value that is called an imaginary or complex number?

The square root of i=(i)^.5 = .707+.707i

What is the square root of x to the power of 5?

Since the root is in the denominator of the exponent, just divide the 5 by the square root value (2), so the solution is x5/2.

Find the absolute value of 5?

The absolute value of 5 is 5.

What is the square root of 778?

The square root of 778 is about 27.893. is a great online resource for calculations. To find the square root of a number, add "^.5)" to it. So to find the square root of 259, type "259^.5"