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Obtain the coordinates of the point (a,b)

Utilise the standard equation for a straight line y = mx + c

The slope 'm' is known.

Substituting a, b for x, y then b = ma + c : c = b - ma

The equation now becomes y = mx + (b - ma)

The x intercept occurs when y = 0 : substituting this gives :-

0 = mx + (b - ma) : mx = ma - b : x = (ma - b) ÷ m

EXAMPLE : Slope is 5, Point coordinates are (2,4): x intercept = [(5 x 2) - 4] ÷ 5 = 6 ÷ 5 = 1.2

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Q: How do you find the x intercept when you have slope and a point?
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y = 2x + b to find y-intercept, you should know one point. you put the point into x and y. and you can find y-intercept. if you are still confused, i want you to follow the related link that explains the concept of slope intercept form very clearly.

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I assume you mean the slope-intercept formula, y=mx+b First, put it in point-slope form. that is y-0=4(x-5) the 4 is the slope, and the 0 and five are from the x-intercept y-0=4(x-5) simplifies to y=4x-20, which is the equation you wanted

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How do I find the y-intercept if the line passes through negative 2 and 3?

You can't. There are an infinite number of lines that pass through the point (-2, 3).They all have different y-intercepts and different slopes.In order to narrow it down to a single line, you have to give more information.One more point would do it.=======================================================Here's the minimum information needed to define a unique line:-- you name 2 points; I find slope, intercept, and all other points.-- you name one point and one intercept ... 'x' or 'y'; I find slope and all other points.-- you name x-intercept and y-intercept; I find slope and all other points.-- you name one point and the slope; I find intercept and all other points.-- you name one intercept and the slope; I find all other points.

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The x is the variable of the slope. The formula for the slope-intercept form is y=mx+b. M would be the slope....ex: 3/4x....the b is the y-intercept...ex:4