You use the numbers in the wheel and use multiplication. subtraction, addition, or division to equal the number that is outside of the wheel in the top right corner.
There are no cheats on the skill sets. I can't even finish game 3 on skill set 2. I am also looking for cheats for skill sets, but I found out that there are no cheats for the skill sets. Sorry.
go to skill sets then play till you get skill set four on skill set four game one you'll have to play it still game one is over then go to bonus games and go to 1-4 and u will unlock it
Sadly, there are none at all. I've done thousands of things on it and I have 639 stickers. The only thing you can do is try to beat the all of the sets on Skill sets, then replay them when you have finished them all. You can do this technique, on any other game in this website, and it works very well.
In math joint sets are contain at least one element in common. An example of joint sets are {1,3,8,4} and {3,9,1,7}.
In sets it means intersects. like what is common in both sets
There are no cheats on the skill sets. I can't even finish game 3 on skill set 2. I am also looking for cheats for skill sets, but I found out that there are no cheats for the skill sets. Sorry.
it have 20281 Sticker you cole praise and god we pass it for you that right
I complete all the skill sets i can and do equal time and equal pay.
You have to beat the skill sets to get more games. It is super dumb
go to skill sets then play till you get skill set four on skill set four game one you'll have to play it still game one is over then go to bonus games and go to 1-4 and u will unlock it
ok well you need to get the high sticher games like pundis puzzle, skill sets, JTF 100 and alot of other stuff
Sadly, there are none at all. I've done thousands of things on it and I have 639 stickers. The only thing you can do is try to beat the all of the sets on Skill sets, then replay them when you have finished them all. You can do this technique, on any other game in this website, and it works very well.
Perhaps because 2 entirely different skill-sets are required?
First, you should do Just the facts. That gives you a lot of stickers. Then, do the skill sets. They give you a lot of stickers to. Also, go on know and show, bonus games and then measurement world. Hope this helps...
How do you find the first three common multiples of sets of numbers
you need many skill sets. you must have a college degree and high school diploma for sure.
In math joint sets are contain at least one element in common. An example of joint sets are {1,3,8,4} and {3,9,1,7}.