Drink alot of cranberry juice and at least 1 gallon of water. Or you can get Detox pills. But the best to do is drink lots of liquids because it all comes out in your pee.
2 weeks.
2 weeks or more
Three to four weeks, in most cases. Some may test positive after five weeks, depending on how much is used.
NO! the leaves contain less THC than the actual buds.
Well if u smoked weed 2 weeks ago and then again 14 days ago then that means you only smoked weed 2 weeks ago.........14 days in 2 weeks weed gets out of your system a month from the last time you smoked it
Yes. but Weed is much less bad on your lungs than tobacco. weed is the deed. =D love weed. and weed will love you back.
Donating plasma does not clean your system of weed. THC, the active ingredient in weed, is stored in fat cells and can be detected in your system for weeks to months after use. Plasma donation will not affect THC levels in your body.
Very unlikely. Cannabinoids (the metabolites of Marijuana that tests detect) can stay in the system for quite some time after use. what to take
No. I am a drug and Alcohol counselor and there are many ways people think they can get weed out of their system. The truth of the matter is.....it takes time for your body to break down the substance. There is nothing you can do but wait a few weeks.
Yes. Weed is usually completely flushed from one's system in around ten days more or less. Traces may still be found in hair follicles but a swab test will turn out clean.
Because it is weed, and weed is good for your health.