period=2 pi
phase shift=0
vertical translation=pi/4
it will start at (0,1) on the y-axis and cross through pi on the x-axis, then the min will be in the middle of pi and 2 pi at -1. there will be one complete wave to 2 pi on your graph (one curve on top and one on bottom of the x-axis), but then you need to shift it to the left, so that the graph will start at (0,-1).
A pie graph shows how the whole is divided into parts.
pie graph
A pie chart.
On a pie graph
A pie graph does not have an axis.
It is possible that you are describing, in some strange way, a pie chart.
PIE divided by THINNESS minus missing SLICES plus MOULD
not a pie graph or pie chart
A pie graph is used to show the proportions of a whole.
a pie graph shows percentages and a bar graph shows numbers and amounts