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  1. First, you ask what number the person is thinking of between one and ten.
  2. Then, you tell them to double it.
  3. Next, you tell them to add a number, specifically between one and ten and that can be split in half.
  4. Now, tell them to divide the number that is now in their head by 2.
  5. Now tell them to subtract their original number from the number they have now.

The trick is, when you tell them to do #3, that automatically tells you that their number is half of what you told them to add. Hope this helps!

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Q: How do you guess what number someone is thinking between one and ten?
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How do you know what someone is thinking?

You don't. You can only guess what someone is thinking. Some people are better at it than others, but everyone will guess wrong some of the time. When you guess, it's based on physical behavior, body language and facial expresssions that you have which are correlated with certain thoughts or thought patterns that you have. Thus, when you see those same outward physical signs in others you assume that they would be thinking the same thing that you think when you do those things. However, not everyone has the same outward physical signs so sometimes you will be wrong. When in doubt, or if you suspect someone is thinking something that you wish they weren't thinking, ask them what they are thinking! You might be suprised.

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If someone says that to you, I guess it means "ungrateful child". Not very nice. Worth thinking over what did you do to deserve it.

How do you guess a number in someone head?

look in their ear. you will find it there.

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If someone says that to you, I guess it means "ungrateful child". Not very nice. Worth thinking over what did you do to deserve it.

Would it be easier to guess a number between 1 and 5 or between 1 and 10?

Unless you're a very indecisive personality, the ease or difficulty of picking a number shouldn't have anything to do with what size group of numbers you're asked to pick it out of. But if you're trying to guess what number somebody else is thinking of, then your chance of guessing his number between 1 - 5 correctly is double the chance of guessing his number between 1 - 10 correctly. Between 1 - 5: Your chance of guessing his number is 20%, or 4 to 1 odds against. Between 1 - 10: Your chance of guessing his number is 10%, or 9 to 1 odds against.

What are the odds of guessing the number someone is thinking 3 times?

That depends on what the range of the guess is and whether you mean three consecutive times. Example : for guessing a number between 1 and 10 inclusive (10 numbers) the odds are 1 in 10 for each guess, or 0.1. To guess it correctly twice in a row the odds would be 0.1 x 0.1 or (0.1)², which is .01, or one in a hundred. To guess it correctly three times in a row, the odds would be 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 or (0.1)³, which is .001 or one in a thousand. It is the range or numbers raised to the power of the number of required correct consecutive guesses. Another example: guess a number between one and fifty inclusive twice in a row. The formula would be : odds=1/(50)², which is 1/2500 or one in 2500.

Can you guess what I'm thinking?

You mean what you were thinking, right? and no, I can't

How to win lottery from guessing the number between 1 to 100?

You have to be lucky and guess correctly. There is no formula to do this - so you may or may not guess the correct number or numbers.

What does telephoneississ mean?

Telephonesis is a slang term that is a combination of the words "telephone" and "telekinesis". It jokingly refers to the ability to guess what someone else is thinking over the telephone.

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i guess its ok i ask my crush what his thinking :)