Use a polygraph (lie-detector). Or wait for 9 months, until she gives a birth of another man's baby, then make a paternity test in a hospital.
Definitely yes
he's cheating on u silly ANSWER: You just can't jump the gun and shoot everyone because your boyfriend is talking to a woman. You don't know what's their conversation, so try not to judge him yet. find out who this other woman is. Let him explain what he was doing with this woman..
Pain shared = pain divided I know you want to get back at her for ruining your life. Do you want to ruin anther innocent person's life? I don't know. You probably should, but would you want to know? Seriously, if you didn't already know, would you want her husband to tell you?
I had the same question and i dont really think it is as long as the other person doesnt find out! Yes because if its a secret then its cheating It is cheating, but having sex would be, like, FULL cheating. Know what I mean? Everything has different degrees of cheating. It is cheating, as long as it's something you don't want them (your own partner) to be doing. So an open relationship isn't cheating.
It depends on the content of your email. For example, catching up with old friends, telling her about your holiday, discussing a business idea, planning a surprise party, etc. are all okay.
Ask her.
If she cringes at your touch or blows off your attempts at intimacy she could be cheating.
you could see him with another woman. durh?
i really dont know if he is cheating on her she is a pretty woman for somebody to be cheating on her he is wrong
If your woman is not afraid to take calls near you and is always home in time, then chances are high that she is not cheating.
Ask her. If you can't tell she is lying, she isn't the one for you.
no. The one you should confront is your man. And if he is cheating it's his loss.
You can tell that a woman is cheatin,because if you know that you have been the worst man you can be and she is walking around with a smile on her face then she is cheating. Unless she is a patient woman.
Yes. Cheating is cheating.
Woman intuituon. . .and a wife always know when something isnt right
It depend to how long and how it started, but yes she needs to confess to this woman. Especially if this woman doesn't know what's going on. And what about the cheating wife's husband, what did he do to be betrayed by her. If the cheating wife and the cheating husband are having a wonderful time hiding their affair, do remember what goes around comes around.