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When it's showing numbers on the screen...

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Q: How do you know your calculator is working?
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Related questions

Who created the calculator?

Willim Seward Burroughs was the first to create a working calculator.

Why does this IRA calculator not work?

I can't see what you are looking at- I don't know if you are asking why an actual online calculator is not working for you, or if it isn't giving you the answers you expected. Either way, I swould suggest the Roth calculator or the one provided by Turbo Tax.

How do you make a working model of a calculator?

That may be impossible.

What is going to be the largest Mersenne Prime ever found? should start working on the calculator for breaking this record! :D

What does a mortgage amortization calculator do?

The mortgage amortization calculator is for working out your monthly mortgage payments. It will also calculate into the equation when and if you make extra monthly payments on your mortgage. So it will help you keep track of your mortgage and let you know how things stand.

How does a calculator know that 1 plus 1 equals two?

calculator are like computers. they will know that 1+1=2.the person that made the calculator knows math

How can you answer multiplcation problems?

Either by using a calculator or working out the problem on paper.

What is the square root of 59 have fun working this out?

7.681145747868608175769687021731... I used a calculator.

Is there a calculator available for figuring CSRS retirement amounts?

I recommend as a brilliant calculator for working out your retirement amount.

How do you make a a on a calculator?

you cant for what i know

How do you program the quadratic formula into your calculator?

It all depends on what calculator you use to know how to program the formula into it.

What is 14x42?

The answer is 588. You know that you can use a calculator.