Work for it!
3 quarters, 1 dime, 1nickel, and 3 pennies (25*3)+10+5+(1*3)= 93 cents
2 quaters $0.50 4 dimes $0.40 3 pennies $0.03 9 coins $0.90
It equals 93 cents!
1.49 +0.93 + 1.29 +0.79 + 0.93 = 5.43 5.43 * 8% =0.43 5.43 + 0.43 = 5.86
Work for it!
3 quarters, 1 dime, 1nickel, and 3 pennies (25*3)+10+5+(1*3)= 93 cents
2 quaters $0.50 4 dimes $0.40 3 pennies $0.03 9 coins $0.90
Nine American coins to sum up to 93 cents: 25c 25c 25c 10c 10c 5c 1c 1c 1c
93 cents 93 cents
A dollar and 93 cents.
The average price of a movie ticket in 1964 was 93 cents.
It equals 93 cents!
A 93% silver dime weighs approximately 2.5 grams. The actual weight may vary slightly due to wear and tear on the coin.
1.49 +0.93 + 1.29 +0.79 + 0.93 = 5.43 5.43 * 8% =0.43 5.43 + 0.43 = 5.86
Look at this as money. Is $0.99 (99 cents) more than $0.93 (93 cents) and you will pick the $0.99.