A pattern of squares is called a mosaic.
pyramid with 2 squares on top row, 3 squares on second row, 5 squares on third row, and 7 squars on bottom row
A net.A 2-dimensional pattern that you can fold to make a 3-dimensional figure is called a net.For instance, make a letter 'T' out of 6 squares. The vertical part of the T has 4 squares, and the horizontal part has 3 squares (one square is common to both) . This net can be folded to make a cube.
Six squares make up the surface of a tube.
A pattern of squares is called a mosaic.
The squares make a diagonal line.123456789101112112345678910111222468101214161820222433691215182124273033364481216202428323640444855101520253035404550556066121824303642485460667277142128354249566370778488162432404856647280889699182736455463728190991081010203040506070809010011012011112233445566778899110121132121224364860728496108120132144
pyramid with 2 squares on top row, 3 squares on second row, 5 squares on third row, and 7 squars on bottom row
make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them
A net.A 2-dimensional pattern that you can fold to make a 3-dimensional figure is called a net.For instance, make a letter 'T' out of 6 squares. The vertical part of the T has 4 squares, and the horizontal part has 3 squares (one square is common to both) . This net can be folded to make a cube.
You can make three squares
Six squares make up the surface of a tube.
Make a grid of 8 squares by 8 squares, with alternate squares coloured, normally black and white.
It will make two squares.
3 squares: 36 + 4 + 1 2 squares: 25 + 16
So whats the question? If i had 5 squares remove 3 lines to make 4 squares but keep the 3 lines within the 4 squares what?