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Put them next to each other alternating which ones point up and which ones point down. for 6 triangles you would have 3 up and 3 down put in a straight line. I know I didn't make them exactly equalatteral, but you get the point: (sorry it won't let me paste images)




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Q: How do you make a quadrilateral out of 6 equilateral triangles?
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What quadrilateral has six right angles?

A quadrilateral has 4 sides (quad), in a in a simple figure, the 4 sides can make at most 4 angles, so no quadrilateral has more (or less, in actuality) than 4 interior angles. if the figure is a complex quadrilateral, edges can cross to make up to 6 interior angles, but since the complex quadrilateral must then be reducible into 2 triangles, it cannot have 6 right angles.

What combination of shapes that you could use to make a hexagon?

There are an infinite number of options. Even sticking with polygons with sides of the same measure, a hexagon can be made from 6 equilateral triangles, or 4 eq triangles and a 60 degree rhombus, or 2 eq triangles and 2 60-deg rhombi, or 3 60-deg rhombi. Each of the equilateral triangle could be made from smaller shapes. Eg four equilateral mini-triangles to make 1 triangle. Or 2 mini-triangles and 1 mini-rhombus or 2 60-deg mini-rhombi. And then each of those mini triangles could be made up of smaller micro-shapes. And so on ...

How can you arrange six matches to make eight equilateral triangles-without breaking any of the matches?

Make a square (with four of the matches) and then put an x in the square (with the reamaining two) I'm sorry to spoil your trick; however, the two sticks that are used for the X are not long enough to touch the four corners of the square. In return, I will ask: How can you make 4 equilateral triangles from 6 equal length sticks or matches?

What is the name of five platonic solids?

1~Tetrahedron *4 faces (made of equilateral triangles) *6 edges *5 vertices 2~Hexahedron (cube) *6 faces (made of squares) *12 edges *8 vertices 3~Octrahedron *8 faces (made up of equilateral triangles) *12 edges *6 vertices 4~Icosahedron *20 faces (made of equilateral triangles) *30 edges *12 verticies 5~Dodecahedron *12 faces (made of pentagons) *30 edges *20 vertices.

How many faces does a tetrahedron have?

A tetrahedron has 4 faces. A "regular tetrahedron" has an equilateral triangular base with three equilateral triangles as sides coming up from it.