How long would you like it to be? 10 miles? make the area 2.7 miles wide. 100 miles? make it 0.27 miles wide. 1 million miles? make it 0.000027 miles wide. For any length x, make the width 27/x miles.
3*5 = 15 tiles.
Using all five tiles, only one rectangle can be made. (1 tile wide by 5 tiles long) Using less than all five tiles, you could make six different rectangles. (squares are technically rectangles too.) The rectangles possible would be: 1 tile wide by 5 tiles long, 1 wide by four long, 1 wide by 3 long, 1 wide by 2 long, 1 wide by 1 long, and 2 wide by 2 long.
24 cubes 1x1x1
Not every women is shy about it ? But, some just aren't open about that kind of stuff.
Rub it! If you have a di*do then push the di*do in your vagaina and start going in and out! Omg it feels so good
Period, your on your period
Duh, yes
They open it very wide.
It's a little below where your urine comes out.
Your moms vagaina.
Red for Blood | White for Juice
Since we don't know the gender of the dentist, the choices are:He said, "Open wide".She said, "Open wide".