1738 kilometers = 1.73800 megameters
0.011 meters.
You move decimal one place to the left when dividing by ten You move decimal two places to the left when dividing by 100 You move decimal three places to the left when dividing by 1000, etc...
to move meters to centimeters you have to move the decimal to the right 2 times
move the decimal to the left
Decimal move to the left by 12 steps.
add by 100 * * * * * Nonsense! You multiply by 1,000,000 so move the decimal point 6 places to the right.
It moves 12 places.
1m = 0.000001 megameter
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, to convert a value, such as 7.63 centimetres, to metres, you multiply by 10 to get 76.3 millimetres - thus moving the decimal point to the right.
There are six.
mega- as a prefix to anything means 1,000,000 as in megahertz, megawatts, megajoules &c. There are 1,000,000 meters in a megameter.
Answering "How many decimal places to the right do you move to change kilometer square to meter square?"
You move six decimal places
It moves from left to right.
It moves 6 places to the right.
Mega-meters are measured as 1 x 106m. Cemtimeters are measured as 1 x 10-2m. This means that if we were to convert Megameters into centimeters, we would have to multiply the number of megameters by 108. Just like there are 100 cm in a meter, and 1000 meters in a kilometer, and 1000 kilometers in a Megameter, there are 100 000 000 cm in a megameter. Therefore, similarly, there are 1 X10-9 megameters in a centimeter, or 0.00000001. Mega-meters are measured as 1 x 106m. Cemtimeters are measured as 1 x 10-2m. This means that if we were to convert Megameters into centimeters, we would have to multiply the number of megameters by 108. Just like there are 100 cm in a meter, and 1000 meters in a kilometer, and 1000 kilometers in a Megameter, there are 100 000 000 cm in a megameter. Therefore, similarly, there are 1 X10-9 megameters in a centimeter, or 0.00000001.