Move the decimal point left to multiply by a negative power of ten. For example, 5X10-3 is 0.005
You reverse the sign of the power and multiply by adding exponents. Example 10 to the 7 divided by 10 to the negative 6 = 10 to the 13
Ten to the negative sixth power in decimal form is 0.000001
It is: 1.0*10-46
Multiplying a real number by a positive power of ten moves the decimal point that number (the exponent) of places to the right. Multiplying by a negative power of ten moves it to the left. For example, the -3 power of 10 is 1/1000; multiplying by that moves the decimal point 3 places to the left.
To calculate six times ten to the negative power, multiply 6 by the value of ten raised to the negative power. For example, if the power is -3, it would be 6 times 10 to the negative third power, which equals 0.006.
You reverse the sign of the power and multiply by adding exponents. Example 10 to the 7 divided by 10 to the negative 6 = 10 to the 13
Ten to the negative sixth power in decimal form is 0.000001
5.3 times ten to the negative first power is 0.53
10 to the power of negative 6 = 1/1,000,000
No, 0.00036 is equivalent to 3.6 times ten to the negative fourth power.
It is equivalent to dividing by ten to the equivalent positive power.
It is not. For positive powers of ten, the decimal point moves to the right when multiplying and to the left when dividing. For negative powers of ten the point moves in the opposite directions.
It is not. For positive powers of ten, the decimal point moves to the right when multiplying and to the left when dividing. For negative powers of ten the point moves in the opposite directions.