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You multiply straight across. Let's take one half and two halves for example. Multiply across, and you get three quarters.

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Q: How do you multiply like denominators fractions?
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How do you write fractions with common denominators?

multiply the denominators

How do you multiply fractions with uncommon denominators?

To multiply fractions all you do is multiply the numerators and the denominators separately eg: 4/7 x 6/11 = 24/77. The "commonality" of denominators has no relevance.

Do you find common denominators when you multiply fractions?


How do you multiply fractions with like denominators?

The numerator and denominator of a product of fractions are simply the products of the numerators and denominators respectively. That is, a/b * c/d = (a*c)/(b*d). The denominators can be the same or different - that is irrelevant.

What is the rule for multiplying fractions with like denamonators?

Multiply all numerators to get numerator of the product. Multiply all denominators to get denominator of the product. This is true whether the factors have like or unlike denominators.

What do you do when you mutpiling fractions with common dennmonters?

Exactly the same as you do when multiplying fractions with different denominators. -- Multiply numerators . . . the product is the numeratore of the answer. -- Multiply denominators . . . the product is the denominator of the answer.

What are the rules for subtracting fractions?

You multiply the fractions until the denominators are equal. Then, you subtract.

How do u subtract fractions?

multiply the fractions until they have common denominators and then subtract them

Fractions with unlike denominators and no common factors to have common denominators?

Multiply them by each other.

How do you divide fractions with un common denominators?

When dividing fractions, the denominators don't matter. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second.

How to multilply fractions?

Multiply the numerators together then multiply the denominators. Reduce as needed.

Can you multiply fractions that have a different demonminator?

Yes. When multiplying and dividing fractions your denominators do not have to be the same. The denominators only haveto be the same if you are subtracting or adding them.