You usually put the biggest denominator first. The bigger the number is the lower it means. So for EXAMPLE:20/30,15/30,6/10 . In least to greatest it would be the same order. In greatest to least it would be completely turned around
The order of these fractions from least to greatest is 2/5, 2/3, and 3/4.
Convert them to decimals.
As they all have the same denominator (12) order them by the numerator in order from least to greatest.
Greatest on a list of proper fractions, least on a list of improper fractions.
Listing the fractions is ascending (or descending) order.
you have to find like denominators and then you order them from least to greatest by there numerators
The order of these fractions from least to greatest is 2/5, 2/3, and 3/4.
you can find the least common denominator and then order them.
Convert them to decimals.
300, 288,298
You can order fractions by finding the percentage (top divided by bottom multiplied by 100).
Usually smallest to largest, least to greatest.
convert fractions to decimal then just compare them,and then put them in order!:)
Convert them to decimals and order them least to greatest.
As they all have the same denominator (12) order them by the numerator in order from least to greatest.