Hell no! is "Surement pas !" in French.
Hell sync ee
Burn in hell! (to one person) -- Brûle en enfer ! -- "brewl ah[n] nah[n]-fair"If speaking to multiple people, say brûlez ("brew-lay") instead of brûle.
As in English "on hell."
why the hell do you care
In French, "go to hell" is pronounced as "va en enfer" (vah ahn ahn-fehr).
It is pronounced "fl-eye-lum plat-ee-hell-minths."
Helfer is a German word, it means "helper" in English. You pronounce it like "hell-fer" (the first syllable like the English word "hell").
Enfer sanglant.
You can say "Ouais, t'as raison !" in French to express "hell yeah, you're right!".