Think of fractions as division problems. 27 over 100 (27/100) is really just saying 27 divided by 100. Therefore, 27/100 = 27 divided by 100 = 0.27
27/50 = 54/100 = 0.54.
It is: 5.4/100 as a fraction simplified is 27/500 or as a decimal 0.054
If by 27 over 50 , you mean 27 divided by 50 , or 27/50 , or 27 upon 50 , then 27 over 50 = 27/50 = 27 *2/50 *2 = 54 / 100 = .54
To convert 4.27 to a mixed number, you first separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number part is 4. The decimal part .27 can be written as a fraction by placing it over 100, since there are two decimal places. So, .27 is 27/100. Putting it all together, 4.27 as a mixed number is 4 27/100.
.27 move decimal two spaces to the right and put over 100. 27/100 simplified.
27/100 = 0.27
27/50 = 54/100 = 0.54.
It is: 5.4/100 as a fraction simplified is 27/500 or as a decimal 0.054
percentage = 40.74%% rate:= 11/27 * 100%= 0.4074 * 100%= 40.74%
27 over 100
27 / 50 = 0.54Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.54 * 100 =54%
percentage = 2.7%% rate:= 27/1000 * 100%= 27/10= 2.7%
Oh honey, 27 over 100 is simply 0.27 in decimal form. It's as easy as pie, no need to break a sweat over this one. Math can be a piece of cake when you know the tricks.
Put them over 100. Reduce if possible. 27 percent = 27/100
27/100 = 0.27