You can read it in decimal as "zero point two five zero". This is equivalent to 0.25 (zero point two five), unless the zero is included intentionally to indicate the accuracy of the measurement. If you happen to remember that 1/4 = 0.25, you can also read this as "a quarter inch" or "one fourth of an inch".
Eight ten thousandths of an inch.
The flow would be 2.5 with a meter with 12 inch diameter. This is with a flush at 5.0 FPS.
that is 1.0 inch
One square inch is a square that is 1 inch wide and 1 inch tall.
Inch is a length. Cubic inch is a volume. The question is wrong.
0250 as a percentage = 2.5%0.0250 * 100% = 2.50%
419-863-0250! ((:
.04 is 4 hundredths of an inch.
The easiest way to remember it, is by remembering .50=1/2 inch
Eight ten thousandths of an inch.
You look at the markings on its edge.
The address of the Elton Branch is: 813 Main Street, Elton, 70532 0250
The phone number of the Farmington Community Library is: 651-438-0250.
The address of the University Of Texas Foundation is: , Austin, TX 78767-0250