To reduce a fraction to simplest terms, you find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and the denominator and divide both those numbers by this GCF. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
An easier way to do this is to find ANY common factor and divide both the numerator and denominator by it. Then repeat with the new numerator and denominator until you can find no more common factors. Although it could take longer, you are less likely to end up having to divide by very large numbers.
Fractions will need to have the same denominator to add the numerator then reduce the answer as needed to simplest forms. 1/2 + 1/3=3/6 + 2/6=5/6
Yes, this is possible.
1/2. 2/3. 6/7 . 1/1000000 )That is ' one over one million). Are all simplest form fractions, because you cannot cancel down (reduce) the fraction. By comparison 2/4 is NOT the simplest form because it can be reduced by '2' to '1/2'. Similarly 2/1000000 is not the simplest form because, again it can be reduced by '2' Hence 1/500000 is the simplest form .
64/100 is on of the fractions, 16/25 is it's simplest form.
You could, if you wished to.
U have to do it in simplest form to get a smaller nuMber froM tHE OrIGiNaL NUMber
They are in there simplest form when they can reduce down no more, e.g 4/6 in its simplest form will be 2/3. 2/3 can reduce no more.
Fractions will need to have the same denominator to add the numerator then reduce the answer as needed to simplest forms. 1/2 + 1/3=3/6 + 2/6=5/6
GCF doesn't apply to fractions, only to whole numbers. When those numbers are the numerator and denominator of a fraction, the GCF can be used to reduce it to its simplest form.
13/14 is in its simplest form.
Finding the GCF helps to reduce fractions to their simplest form. Knowing the GCF can help to find the LCM, which assists in adding and subtracting fractions.
you divide the numerator by the denominator, if you get the same to the other fractions, it is proportional. Another solution is if you reduce the two fractions to simplest form and they are the same, they are also proportional.
Divide the percentage by 100. Then reduce to its simplest form (cancel out any common factors between the numerator and the denominator).
change it to a decimal. then change it to a fraction. and then reduce it
When you need to reduce fractions to their simplest form.
find a number that does into the top and bottom number evenly. then divide. when it cant be divided any more then it is in simplest form.....