count the spaces on your graph until you reach the y axis then start over and count again till you count the same number that you it took you to reach the y axis... sounds kinda confusing.... but good luck !
by looking and controling it
If it is Rx=0, it means you are reflecting your set of coordinates and reflect it across the x-axis when x=0. So it pretty much is saying reflect it over the y-axi
The bit with the negative x-axis goes to the positive x-axis.
Consider can mean to ponder synonyms are: contemplate, think about, think over, reflect, weigh, study, Just make these words into past - like considered. eg contemplated
Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?Read more:Which_point_is_not_located_on_the_xaxis_or_the_yaxis_of_a_coordinate_grid
up and down. the x goes left and right
.... then your graph is inverted.
The vertical y axis on the Cartesian plane is both negative and positive
We use y_y axes
Often at night I sit and reflect on the days events. reflect = review / think over / mull over A mirror can reflect the suns rays. reflect = throw back/give back / bounce back There facial expressions reflected their thoughts. reflect = display / demonstrate / express
by looking and controling it
"To reflect the sun to the moon?" Your question does not make sense as worded. It takes a little over a second for sunlight to reflect from the moon to earth, if that is what you are asking. The sun does not reflect anything--it can't. Sunlight takes 8.3 minutes to reach the moon, then a bit over a second to get from the moon to earth.
same as if they were positive
reflect across the x-axis and then reflect again over the x-axis
what is your opinion about the supremacy of the English language?