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Complementary angles are 90 degree angles while supplementary angels are 180 degree angles.You remember it by how complementary angle are 90 degrees more to get a supplementary angles.

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Q: How do you remember the difference between complementary and supplementary angles?
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Difference between Complementary and Supplementary Angles

What is the difference between a complementary angle and supplementary angle?

The sum of complementary angles is 90°. The sum of supplementary angles is 180°. EXAMPLE : 27° is the complementary angle to 63° and the supplementary angle to 153°.

Explain the difference between the following pairs of complementary angles and supplementary angles?

Complementary angles sum to 90o Supplementary angles sum to 180o

What is the complement of a 25 degree angle?

Complementary angles add up to a right angle (90°). So 90° - 25° = 65° The way I remember the difference between complementary and supplementary is: think of a Straight line is 180° (Supplementary). Think of a Cross makes a 90° angle (Complementary)

The difference between complementary and supplementary?

c=90 degrees s=180 degrees

What is the relationship between complementary and supplementary angles?

For any given angle, its supplementary angle is 90 degrees larger than its complementary angle.

What is the difference between suppllementary and complimentary angles?

Complementary angles total 90 degrees. Supplementary angles total 180 degrees.

How can tou tell the difference between complementary and supplementary angles?

The sum (addition) of two complementary angles is 90 degrees. Nestled side by side, they add up to a corner. The sum (addition) of two supplementary angles is 180 degrees. Nestled side by side, they add up to a straight line.

The difference between complementary and supplementary angles?

Supplementary angles has the sum of the two angles that equal 180 degrees, while complementary angles have the sum of 90 degrees between two angles.Complementary angles sum to 90º, like 30º + 60º. Supplementary angles sum to 180º, like 45º and 135º.SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES = the sum of the two angles are 180WHILECOMPLEMENTARY ANGLES= the sum of the two angles are 90

What is the the difference between the measure of the supplement and complement of an angle of 60degrees?

Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees So: 180-60 = 120 degrees

What is the difference between complementary and supplementary angles?

Complementary angles add up to one right angle (90 degrees), such as 30 degrees and 60 degrees. Supplementary angles add up to a straight angle, which is 2 right angles (180 degrees). So the supplement of a 30 degree angle is 150 degrees. For any given angle, its supplement is 90 degrees greater than its complement.

What is the Difference between complementary and supplementary feeding?

Complementary feeding refers to introducing solid foods alongside breast milk or formula to meet the nutritional needs of infants at around 6 months of age. Supplementary feeding, on the other hand, involves providing additional or extra food to people who are already receiving some form of nutrition but may need more to meet their dietary requirements.