The answer will depend on the units used for 0.00826.
To the nearest tenth of a cent, 0.00826 cents is 0.0 cents.
000.2 percent, which is the same as 0.2 per cent, is already rounded to the nearest tenth of a per cent.
When talking about money one cent is two decimal places. $0.01 (one cent) one tenth of a cent is to three decimal places $0.001 (one tenth of a cent) So if you are rounding to the nearest tenth of a cent round to the third decimal place. Round up if the fourth decimal place is 5 or higher and round down if it is 4 or lower.
Round off to the nearest cent, means round off to the nearest hundredths or round off to two decimal.
what is 2.857 to the nearest cent
You have asked to round the number to the nearest cent, but you have not said what the units are which that number represents. If it is 386.75 cents, then if we round it to the nearest cent, we get 387 cents. If, however, it is $386.75 then you can't round it to the nearest cent, you could only round it to the nearest dollar (in which case the answer would be $387).
000.2 percent, which is the same as 0.2 per cent, is already rounded to the nearest tenth of a per cent.
It is 1.2 cents.
When talking about money one cent is two decimal places. $0.01 (one cent) one tenth of a cent is to three decimal places $0.001 (one tenth of a cent) So if you are rounding to the nearest tenth of a cent round to the third decimal place. Round up if the fourth decimal place is 5 or higher and round down if it is 4 or lower.
nearest cent
If you round 29.7 to the nearest cent, it is 30 cents.
Round off to the nearest cent, means round off to the nearest hundredths or round off to two decimal.
0.667 cents, to the nearest cent, is 1 cent.
it already is to the nearest cent. 136.74
what is 2.857 to the nearest cent
Round to the nearest cent.
10.76 is rounded to the nearest cent.