It is 146
Well, honey, 146% as a fraction is 73/50. You could simplify it to 1 23/50 as a mixed number if you wanna get fancy. But hey, math is math, whether you like it or not!
yes, the rule is that if a number ends in 0,2,4,6,8 then it is divisible by 2. and 146/2=73 so it is.
Rounded to the nearest ten, 558 is approximately equal to 560.
This already is a whole number. You don't need to change anything.
146,389 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 100,000.
It is 150 because 6 is greater than 5
Yes, it is.
8 and 146 over 1000 it's a mixed number with 8 as the whole number 146 as the numerator and 1000 as the denominator
146 is not prime. 146 = 2 * 73
Inclusively there are 114 whole numbers in this range.146 - 33 + 1 = 114.