rounding off 198.25 to one decimal = 198.3
rounding off to one decimal means rounding off to the nearest tenths.
The next digit at the right of 2 is 5 so add one to 2 which will make it 3.
Actually, if the next digit at the right of 2 is more than 5, you also add one to 2.
If the next digit at the right of 2 is less than 5, retain 2.
6.5- you round it until it has one decimal.
2.21 rounded to one decimal place = 2.2
Your 4.875 rounded off is 4.9 to one decimal. When rounding off to one decimal, we look at the second decimal. When the second decimal is 5 or more, we round the first decimal up by one. In this case, the second decimal is 7, and that means we round the first decimal, the 8, up by one, and that makes it 9. That's where the 4.9 came from.
3.91 rounded off to one decimal place = 3.9
to round 68.4 to one decimal place = 68.4
6.5- you round it until it has one decimal.
You round it to 27.5
To get the decimal, divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. If the decimal runs to more than one place, then you have to round it to one decimal place.
It will round up to 0.9 to one decimal place
You can do this in several ways. You can round to the nearest decimal; you can also round up, or round down.
The decimal 13.5 is already rounded to one decimal place.
It is: 1.2 rounded to one decimal place
It already is rounded to one decimal place.