To round 113.04 to two decimal places, we look at the third decimal place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, we do not need to round up. Therefore, 113.04 rounded to two decimal places is 113.04.
You would round it DOWN - to 25.30
It is 0.86 to two decimal places.
Oh, dude, you just look at the third decimal place, which is a 4, so you don't need to round up the 5. That means your answer is 0.71. Like, easy peasy lemon squeezy.
It is a recurring decimal, so 3.8333 is the answer to your question.
It is: .4110 rounded to 4 decimal places
You can't round on a calculator. You do it in your head. 4-1, you round down, 5-9, you round up.
You simple look at the decimal place you want to round to. In 1293.859649 we are rounding to two decimal places so we look at the second decimal place. Which is "5". Is the number on it's right, higher than a 4 or lower than 4? It's higher. So it rounds up. 1293.859649 to two decimal places is 129.86
To round 113.04 to two decimal places, we look at the third decimal place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, we do not need to round up. Therefore, 113.04 rounded to two decimal places is 113.04.
You would round it DOWN - to 25.30
To round 6.437 to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place, which is a 7 in this case. Since 7 is 5 or greater, you round up the second decimal place by adding 1 to it. Therefore, 6.437 rounded to two decimal places is 6.44.
You first look at the third decimal place. In this case it is 7. Then you look at the decimal place after that (the 4th one) and if it larger or equal to 5, then you round up. If it is 4 or smaller, then you leave it be. So in this one 55.06756 = 55.068 to 3 decimal places.
It is 0.86 to two decimal places.