To round 78.3109 to the nearest thousandth, you would look at the digit in the thousandths place, which is the 1 in this case. Since the digit to the right of 1 is less than 5, you would keep the 1 as it is. Therefore, rounding 78.3109 to the nearest thousandth would result in 78.311.
25.0096 rounded to the nearest thousandth would be25.01. Why? Well, first you have to find the thousandth place. In this case it is the 9. Then, you look to the right of your ROUNDING digit- this is 6. 6 is the KEY digit. Since 6 is HIGHER than 5, you know you have to round UP. Normally, you would simply change the roundig digit to the next digit up, but since he number after 9 is two digits, you have to make an exception. What you do is you change the 9 to a zero and carry the 1 to the hundredths place. Finally, drop all zeroes after the hundredths place.hope this helps!
0 16.151
Oh, dude, 7.49362 to its nearest thousandths is 7.494. So, like, you round it up because the digit after the thousandths place is 6, which is closer to 10 than 0. It's not rocket science, but hey, now you know!
okay so the number is 178.8666. where is the thousandth spot you may ask? it would be after the decimal, but where? well the first spot after the decimal (8) is the tenths. the second place (6) is the hundredth. the third place (6) is the thousandth.Great! we found the thousandth spot. next, is the number after the thousandth spot a) greater than 4 or b) less than 4? if the number is greater than 4, you add one number to the thousandth spot (the number would then be 178.867). if the number is 4 or less, you leave the thousandth number the same (the number would then be 178.866).wow! you just learned how to round! wasn't that a first grade tool?
The digit in the ten thousandth position is a 9, so we round up to give 1.065 as the answer.
25.0096 rounded to the nearest thousandth would be25.01. Why? Well, first you have to find the thousandth place. In this case it is the 9. Then, you look to the right of your ROUNDING digit- this is 6. 6 is the KEY digit. Since 6 is HIGHER than 5, you know you have to round UP. Normally, you would simply change the roundig digit to the next digit up, but since he number after 9 is two digits, you have to make an exception. What you do is you change the 9 to a zero and carry the 1 to the hundredths place. Finally, drop all zeroes after the hundredths place.hope this helps!
0 16.151
The answer is 0.746
Oh, dude, 7.49362 to its nearest thousandths is 7.494. So, like, you round it up because the digit after the thousandths place is 6, which is closer to 10 than 0. It's not rocket science, but hey, now you know!
okay so the number is 178.8666. where is the thousandth spot you may ask? it would be after the decimal, but where? well the first spot after the decimal (8) is the tenths. the second place (6) is the hundredth. the third place (6) is the thousandth.Great! we found the thousandth spot. next, is the number after the thousandth spot a) greater than 4 or b) less than 4? if the number is greater than 4, you add one number to the thousandth spot (the number would then be 178.867). if the number is 4 or less, you leave the thousandth number the same (the number would then be 178.866).wow! you just learned how to round! wasn't that a first grade tool?
You cannot because you do not know what R is.
2 < 5, so we know that we have to round down for the 10th place:4.7.