The nearest numbers on either side, to two significant digits, are 180.0 and 190.0. The first of these is nearer to 184.8
0.036 The significant figures are indicated by the square brackets 0.0[35550], so we round this part of the figure.
Simply cut off the extra number: 65.7
7.0001 rounded off to 4 significant figures is 7.000
When rounding 233.356 to two significant figures, we start counting from the leftmost non-zero digit. In this case, the first two digits are 2 and 3. The digit following the last significant figure (3) is 3, which is less than 5, so we do not round up. Therefore, 233.356 rounded to two significant figures is 230.
88930371.007 to 2 significant figures is 89000000
0.036 The significant figures are indicated by the square brackets 0.0[35550], so we round this part of the figure.
It depends on how many significant digits you want to round it off to.
what is the round off of 124.36?
6.71 is 6.7050 is rounded to three significant figures.
To round 48100231 Joules to two significant figures, you would round it to 48000000 Joules since the first two significant figures are 4 and 8. The trailing zeros are not significant.
Rounding to different numbers of significant figures, the greatest result is 22,000.21 987 round off theto its greatest value what is answer.
If you are rounding off to two significant figures the result is 33.Sixes always round up to the next higher digit i.e.296 to two significant figures is 30 *101
Simply cut off the extra digits: 5.00
1.0 x 10^2
Simply cut off the extra number: 65.7