Oh honey, it's not rocket science. You just look at the number next door, which is 3. Since it's less than 5, you leave the 7 alone and the 3 can keep on dreaming about being important. So, 4.73 rounded to one decimal place is 4.7. Voilà!
Oh, isn't rounding off numbers just a delight? To round off 4.73 to one decimal place, we look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 3. Since 3 is less than 5, we simply keep the first decimal place digit the same, making 4.7. And there you have it, a beautifully rounded number ready to bring a smile to your day.
there are no decimals to round off in 96.
To round off 3044.4498, you would look at the digit after the desired decimal place. In this case, the digit after the fourth decimal place is 9. Since 9 is greater than 5, you round up the fourth decimal place to get 3044.45.
3.91 rounded off to one decimal place = 3.9
61.6 is the answer