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if you have a number with a five as the last digit you round up.

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Q: How do you round up to five?
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Does five round up or down?

It rounds up. (:

When estimating do you round up or down?

when the last digit is 4 or under, round down. "five or above, give it a shove" round up.

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As it ends in a five, it will round up to give 95510.

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ugh ima say 175 cs any number over five or is five you supposed to round up and any number below five round down??

What is thirty five round to the nearest ten?

40, if the last digit is 5 or over you round up.

Round 1.65 to the nearest tenth?

Whenever you are told to round a number which ends in five, tradition dictates that you round up to the nearest unit in question. In this instance, you round 1.65 up to 1.7.

How do you round 26.45 to the nearest tenth?

First, you find the tenths place, which is the four. Then, you just round it like normal. You look at the number next to four, which is five. So if you remember that anything five or above you round up, then you've got your answer! Four rounds up to five, so your answer is 26.5.

How do you round up 19.8432?

You don't round up 19.8432. The last digit is less than five so the number remains as written.

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What largest number round to 40000 by thousand?

We know that halfway along our number line is 3500,with a five in the thousands place.any number from this point onwards we will round up to any number that has a FIVE,a SIX,a SEVEN, an EIGHT,or a NINE in the thousands place we'll round up.

How do you round 25 to the nearest 10?

As it ends with a five, it will round up, so 30 is the nearest 10.