You can say 1 and 3 hundreds. In general look at the decimal part and say it in words. In this case, 3 hundreds. Next look at the number to the left of the decimal point and say it plus what come after.
Another example for you is 1.001. This is one and one thousandth.
103 is written in word form as one hundred three.
103 = one hundred three.
It is the same thing,
103 can be translated into Kikuyu language as igana na ithatu.
Go to page 103 and the third word . Btw its "WAYS"
I'll say, "Happy Birthday!!"
Harry Styles
0.103 = 103 thousandths
103 one thousand
Thug Motivation and 103 is the level of that. And Technical Machine 103 for Pokemon. i honestly don't know which one jeezy is going with (I'd say the Pokemon one) (((sarcasm)))
The word 'curse' appears 103 times in the King James version.