Your answer should read :- 900,000,000,000
That is 900 Billion, The amount of the US Government Bailout package.
the best way is to say 1 + 1 they will say 2 prove them wrong by saying window because ask someone to explain it right if the say window say 2.another way is to say how do you spell their if they say this their say there and if they say there say their good trick right i tested it on a teacher and my friends.
You could say "one billion", you could say "ten to the ninth", or you could say "a one with nine zeros".
say money for 900000000000
900,000,000,000 = nine hundred billion.
Yes it is.
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Your answer should read :- 900,000,000,000
900000000000 dollars a day
That is 900 Billion, The amount of the US Government Bailout package.