Un millón quinientos setenta mil
Usually very large or very small numbers. Say, 124 500 000 000 000 becomes 1.245 * 1014 Say, 0.000 000 000 365 becomes 3.65 * 10-10
Another Answer: Googol = 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 or 10^100 Googolplex = 10googol Googolplex would have a Googol of zeros after a 1, which is to say the number of digits in a Googolplex = Googol+1 digits. You cant even fit a googolplex grains of salt in this universe but maybe in another larger one and you would find duplicates of yourself
70 sextillion sextillion is a number with 21 zeros septillion is a number with 24 zeros your number has 22 zeros. it is not quite a septillion but it falls in the category of a sextillion
It will be called "nienty septillion'.we can also say it 9*1022
About 90 000 seconds or 90 000 000 000 000 nanoseconds.
90 000 000
90 000 000
E=MC2 E= energyM= mass C= speed of light(300 000 km/h) 2= 300 000 x 300 000= 90 000 000 000(90 000 000 000 000 European)
9 * 1010. Because there are 10 zeros in the number.
No pay at first to $20 000-$90 000
approx 90, 000
90, 000
300 000*0,3 = 90 000 dollars