can you simplify 18 over 44
14/24, simplify 7/12
To simplify the ratio 16 to 24, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which is 8. Divide both numbers by 8 to simplify the ratio. Therefore, 16 divided by 8 is 2, and 24 divided by 8 is 3. The simplified ratio of 16 to 24 is 2 to 3.
You find the highest common factor of both numbers and divide each number by it.
You can divide 24/63 by 3 so it would simplify to 8/21.
can you simplify 18 over 44
24 19/12 this is simplified form. you can simplify the fraction 19/21 any more
To simplify fractions, divide them by their greatest common factor:the GCF of 8 & 24 = 8To simplify 8/24:8 ÷ 8 =124÷8 = 3therefore 8/24 = 1/3 in its simplest form
8x6-6x3 30 15 _______ simplify to ____ simplify to ____ 2x2 4 2 ans 15\2
12/24 = 1/2
The number 24 cannot be simplified.
you do
You don't simplify a whole number. You simplify a fraction like 8/24 which is 1/3 in its simplified form.