no. you can not.
To simplify 280/315, we first look for common factors between the numerator (280) and the denominator (315). Both numbers are divisible by 5, so we can divide both by 5 to get 56/63. Next, we see that both 56 and 63 are divisible by 7, so dividing both by 7 gives us the simplified fraction of 8/9. Therefore, 280/315 simplified is 8/9.
36/8 = 9/2
1/8 is a simplified fraction.
No, because 17 is not a factor of 280. 17/280 is already i n lowest terms.
It isn't. 280/8 = 35
When you simplify 8 over 10 to its lowest term, the answer is 4 over 5.
no. you can not.
To simplify 280/315, we first look for common factors between the numerator (280) and the denominator (315). Both numbers are divisible by 5, so we can divide both by 5 to get 56/63. Next, we see that both 56 and 63 are divisible by 7, so dividing both by 7 gives us the simplified fraction of 8/9. Therefore, 280/315 simplified is 8/9.
Anything over itself is 1.
1 over 2
the answer is 5 over 8
8 over 5