6 5/14
To simplify 136 over 99, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which in this case is 1. Therefore, the fraction 136/99 is already in its simplest form. If you were to express it as a mixed number, it would be 1 and 37/99.
100 + 71 = 171, as does 99 + 72, 98 + 73, and so on.
21 hours 99 minutes
It is 11 over 19.
6 5/14
11/99 divided by 11/11= 1/9
To simplify 136 over 99, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which in this case is 1. Therefore, the fraction 136/99 is already in its simplest form. If you were to express it as a mixed number, it would be 1 and 37/99.
yes divide both by 11 22/11 = 2 99/11 = 9 22/99 = 2/9
266/342= Factor out a two 133/171= Factor out a Nineteen 7/9= Done
100 + 71 = 171, as does 99 + 72, 98 + 73, and so on.
33 goes into 99 3 times and 33 goes into 132 4 times, so 99/132 is (33x3)/(33x4)=3/4 after cancellation.
sqrt(171) = sqrt(9*19) = sqrt(9)*sqrt(19) = 3*sqrt(19)