Same as a proper fraction. You check whether you can divide numerator and denominator by the same number.
Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction then divide the fraction and improper fraction as normal (invert the divisor and multiply) and simplify the result (including converting any improper fraction into a mixed number)
Make it into an Improper fraction. Which is 25/3
Well u firs have to convert and then simplify
To simplify improper fractions you just have to simplify as you would with a regular fraction. Which is very easy, and if you dont know I will tell you how. How to Simplify Fractions: Divide the numerator and the denominator by a common factor. Example: 2/4=1/2 (2 is the common factor in both 4 and 2)
To turn a decimal like 9.05 into an improper fraction, you first need to convert the decimal into a fraction. Since 9.05 has two decimal places, you can write it as 905/100. To simplify this fraction, you can divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 5 in this case. Therefore, 9.05 as an improper fraction is 181/20.
You can simplify an improper fraction, unless the numbers are prime. Simplify it like how you would regularly, but don't forget that you can always turn it into a mixed number.
130 is an integer, not a fraction.
Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction then divide the fraction and improper fraction as normal (invert the divisor and multiply) and simplify the result (including converting any improper fraction into a mixed number)
If it is an Improper Fraction then you have to simplify which is the same thing is reducing.
It is 615/100. You can simplify this rational fraction if you require.
It is 335/100 which you can simplify, if you so wish.
I wouldconvert both to improper fraction,find a common multiple (CM),calculate equivalent fraction with CM as the denominator,add the numerators,change the improper fraction to a mixed fraction, if required,simplify the fractional part of the mixed fraction - if appropriate and required.
Make it into an Improper fraction. Which is 25/3
You change it into an improper fraction, then simplify it, then if you want to, change it back to a mixed number.
176/10 and when you simplify it becomes 88/5
8/3 as an improper fraction is already in its simplest form
make each fraction a improper fraction the flip the second fraction and multiply straight across then simplify