Make a preliminary estimate. If you are any good at making estimates and if the final answer is "close" to the estimate then it is reasonable.
We don't have access to math sheet lesson 7. Perhaps you could tell us some of the problems and we could show you how to solve them.
you tell me
Maths develops when we encounter problems, and evolves to cope with new problems. If you think about it, when caveman started to communicate with other cavemen he needed to tell them how many mammoths he had seen. That's numbers, and hence maths.
It means to tell what the formula is
I am sorry to tell you but I did some research there is no such thing as Washington Math.
Sure, I could certainly help you with your math if you told me what the problems were.
NO your supposed to learn at school.
We don't have access to math sheet lesson 7. Perhaps you could tell us some of the problems and we could show you how to solve them.
My book is missing page 219. Perhaps you could tell me some of the problems.
My book is missing page 220. Perhaps you could tell me some of the problems.
There is no answers. does not tell websites that gives answers because you will have to learn.
Yes. Tell us one of the problems.
i dont know but tell math to stop giving people problems. We have our own problems!
I'm sorry, I don't have that one in front of me.
Come to or or and ask your Math questions. Just don't tell your parents. Or your teacher. You can't even tell your best friend. Even they might tell on you. Tell nobody.
just tell her/him how you did it for instance, against the book, the way you now how
elaborate on your answers means 'expand' or 'tell us more' add more information...