(stretch well before attempting) take your ankles into your hands, *wrap wrists around inside of ankles) and bring up to forehead. It should seem easy and obvious but is particularly painful if you are not flexible.
no if you are smaller than four feet then its deep for you if you are over four feet its not that deep so then you can touch the ground.
The answer to this riddle is a yardstick. A yardstick is a measuring tool that is typically three feet long, but it does not have a head like a living being. The term "head" in this context refers to the top or front part of an organism, which a yardstick does not possess.
1 foot is exactly 0.3048 feet. To convert from meters to feet, you need to divide by that number.For a rough approximation, you can multiply by 3 - you can even do that in your head, with but a little practice.
First you have to untie the balloon salesman's shoes.
The yoga pose where you touch your feet to your head is called "Paschimottanasana" or "Seated Forward Bend."
a butterfly stretch is when you sit on the floor/ground and touch the bottoms of your feet together and pull your feet as close to you as you can and pull your head to your feet
An umbrella.
You need to have this checked out by a doctor; it could be a STD.
I dont think that there is a particular height but my friend did a toe touch that was higher then her head and about maybe 6 feet of ground idk ... It was pretty Heigh and she only in the 9th grade
Feet Touch the Ground was created on -19-06-04.
"Pat" means to touch lightly and repeatedly with the hand, usually on the head.
Head over Feet was created in 1995.
feet it uses its head to eat and drink
Most girls wont let you touch there feet, especially if they are quite self conscious as most girls don't like there feet
No they can not....
Nyiti maguru maku is the Kikuyu word for the English word touch your feet.