do 1 divided by 2, it always works with any fraction when converting them to decimals. the answer is 0.5.
The decimal equivalent to two and one-half is 2.5.
The decimal number for one half is 0.5 It does not matter whether it is oz or mile or tonne or metre.
It is 7.5
As a decimal 1 and 1/2 is 1.5
one half in decimal = 0.5
To turn a decimal into a percent divide by 100. So 16.5% = 0.165
The number one and a half as 1.5 in decimal form.
12 and one half as a decimal is 12.5
We write .5 or 0.5 as the decimal for one half.
A half written as a decimal is 0.5
The decimal equivalent to two and one-half is 2.5.
1/2*5/5 = 5/10 = 5 tenths = 0.5
One half percent can be written in decimal as 0.005 or just .005
six and one-half in decimal form = 6.56 1/2 = 6.5