You use electricity every time you use a light-bulb, a computer, an electric stove, a refrigerator, etc.
You use magnetism (as well as electricity) every time you use an electric motor, or a loudspeaker. For example, the motor in electric toys, in a refrigerator, or in a hair drier.
metal can be used as jewellery which we wore in every day life that is made up of of gold and silver which is metal ans platinum a metal
at the restaurant for tips
stop signs, 50cent
Means something you do every day in your life on and on
5 examples of percents
To generate electricity.
cell phones, the internet, and electricity every day,
copper, gold, steel and water; to name a few
3 words: every, day, life
1.5 million volts
Every Day Is a New Life was created on 2000-10-03.
Ants like sugar, and that can be applied to every day life as a sweetener.
You probably use metric and imperial in your every day life.
Certainly. Microphones do it every day.
the introduction of factories, the development of electricity, mass production of goods , it was also the start of many new inventions which eased every day life.
Prime example of radiation in our every day life is the heat we get from the sun (mostly radiation heat)