Negative numbers can be used for weather, when we talk about temperature that is below zero.
Integers are used everyday in life. The counting numbers are a subset of the integers and we use them every day. Another name for the counting numbers is the natural numbers. So the positive integers are used to count objects all around us. Now 0 is an integer also and we use it all the time as you might guess. What about the negative integers? We use those when we talk about very cold temperatures. For example, it is -20 is North Dakota and -20 is a negative integer.
they aren't used in real life, not unless you need them in a situation were you would need to use them.
That's like asking, "How do you use numbers in real life". Maybe you're referring to the negative portion, in which you use when you owe something. Postive numbers are used often also, say on a food label or a price tag. Zero, is used when you have nothing, bur you don't owe anyone. This would happen a lot, yes?
You use integers in golf, temperature (not body temp. because those sometimes use decimals), football yardage, weight, globes, and maps.
Accounting (including personal finances), population changes.
banking, accounting to know if you owe money
Counting, checking your bank account what has been deducted, reading a weather report, or even when you check your weight. The integers are positive and negative numbers we use in life.
The Chinese and Hindu were the first to use negative integers
Integers are used everyday in life. The counting numbers are a subset of the integers and we use them every day. Another name for the counting numbers is the natural numbers. So the positive integers are used to count objects all around us. Now 0 is an integer also and we use it all the time as you might guess. What about the negative integers? We use those when we talk about very cold temperatures. For example, it is -20 is North Dakota and -20 is a negative integer.
In calculating fractions.
they aren't used in real life, not unless you need them in a situation were you would need to use them.
when it is positive or negative (+or -)
weather and sports
That's like asking, "How do you use numbers in real life". Maybe you're referring to the negative portion, in which you use when you owe something. Postive numbers are used often also, say on a food label or a price tag. Zero, is used when you have nothing, bur you don't owe anyone. This would happen a lot, yes?
Yes, it can!
i use integers in real life by checking the temepture, and even your health in video games or anything as long as it has a whole number in. So getting payed for a job, or buying something. You could also use it to count how many pages in a book, or tell time.